Availability Search for Lys-Na-Greyne

5 Guest House
iKnow Scotland
Taste Our Best


From £200 per room per night

Garry and Joyce Welsh would like to welcome you to Lys-Na-Greyne; their family home in the heart of rural Aberdeenshire. Lys-Na-Greyne is an Edwardian granite house discretely nestled in the tranquil wooded conservation area at the west end of Aboyne. Sitting on the north bank of the River Dee, it’s westerly outlook provides stunning views up the Dee valley.


Accessible Parking Or Drop-off

Awards & Schemes


Bedroom 1 £280 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Bedroom 2 £300 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Bedroom 3 £280 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Bedroom 4 £220 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Bedroom 5 £220 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Bedroom 6 £200 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.

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