Verfügbarkeitssuche für Arden House

4 Bed and Breakfast
iKnow Scotland
Taste Our Best

Arden House

Von/ab £140 per room per night

A warm welcome awaits at Arden House. Enjoy space, tranquility and relaxation in our comfortable, exclusively for adults, B&B and self-catering accommodation. Beautiful surroundings, magnificent views and delicious breakfasts await you in our lovely home in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park - the perfect central location to enjoy Scotland.




Cameron £140 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Finlay £150 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Tannochbrae £160 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.


Accommodation Special Offer

Special offer – 3 nights or longer and receive a discount of £10 per room per night for the duration of your stay.

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