Verfügbarkeitssuche für Barholm Accommodation

Barholm Accommodation

Dumfries and Galloway
Von/ab £16.50 per person per night

Barholm offers pleasant, comfortable accommodation to suit shared occupancy as well as double and single private rooms, all en-suite. We have a dry room for when you have been fishing or walking and need to dry out before heading to your room. A secure bike unit for safe storage, Barholm Cycle Hire and repair here at the centre and there is an electric car charging station


Barrierefreier Park- oder Halteplatz
Barrierefreier Zugang
Haustiere willkommen


Badger's Den (Sleeps 5) £16.50 Per person per night (room only)
Deer's Thicket £38 Per room per night (room only)
Dove's Cote (Sleeps 4) £16.50 Per person per night (room only)
Eagle's Nest £38 Per room per night (room only)
Fox's Lair £19.50 Per person per night (room only)
Otter's Holt (sleeps 6) £16.50 Per person per night (room only)
Pheasant's Room (disabled access) £19.50 Per person per night (room only)
Squirrel's Drey £19.50 Per person per night (room only)

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.

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