Verfügbarkeitssuche für Flodigarry Hotel & Skye Restaurant

Flodigarry Hotel & Skye Restaurant

Country House Hotel
Isle Of Skye
Von/ab £195 per room per night

Picture a country house hotel with a romantic Jacobite past, situated on a hillside above the dramatic Atlantic sea with magnificent views, log fires, cosy lounges and delightful bedrooms. Your welcome dram awaits...


Barrierefreier Park- oder Halteplatz
Haustiere willkommen

Auszeichnungen und Programme


Flagship Bonny Prince Charles £295 Per room per night (room only)
Flagship Room £320 Per person per night (room only)
Garden Lodge Room £295 Per room per night (room only)
Owner suite "Lady" £460 Per room per night (room only)
Owner Suite "Laird" £520 Per room per night (room only)
Premier Double (Hotel) £210 Per room per night (room only)
Small Attic Twin (Cottage) £195 Per room per night (room only)
Small Premier Twin (Cottage) £205 Per room per night (room only)
Superior Double (Cotage) £230 Per room per night (room only)
Superior Double (Hotel) £265 Per room per night (room only)
Superior Twin (Hotel) £255 Per room per night (room only)
Superior Twin Cottage £245 Per room per night (room only)

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.

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