Verfügbarkeitssuche für Kirkaig Lodge

Kirkaig Lodge

Von/ab £55 per person per night

Kirkaig Lodge is set in the unspoiled beauty of Assynt Our large comfortable Bed and Breakfast with Sauna overlooks the stunning and tranquil sea views of Inverkirkaig Bay and beyond. With Suilven, Stac Pollaidh and Canisp in the backdrop and the Falls of Kirkaig just around the corner, Kirkaig Lodge is the perfect place to stay for hillwalkers, anglers, bird watchers or anyone with a love of nature!


Rock Dove £55 Per person per night (all inclusive)
Seabird £55 Per person per night (all inclusive)
Swallow £55 Per person per night (all inclusive)

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.

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