Verfügbarkeitssuche für Springfield Guest House

3 Guest House
iKnow Scotland
Taste Our Best

Springfield Guest House

East Lothian
Von/ab £40 per person per night

Springfield Guest House lies to the west of the old fishing town of Dunbar, the birthplace of the famous conservationist John Muir.


Barrierefreier Park- oder Halteplatz

Auszeichnungen und Programme


Double Room En-Suite £45 Per person per night (breakfast inc.)
Double Room Private Bathroom £45 Per person per night (breakfast inc.)
Family Room Private Bathroom £45 Per person per night (breakfast inc.)
Single Room Private Bathroom £70 Per person per night (breakfast inc.)
Twin Room Private Bathroom £45 Per person per night (breakfast inc.)

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.

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