Verfügbarkeitssuche für Whitefalls Spa-Lodges

Whitefalls Spa Lodges

Whitefalls Spa-Lodges

Self Catering
Breasclete, Isle of Lewis
The Outer Hebrides
Von/ab £950 per unit per week

Imagine a place where you can escape the pressures of everyday life... a place to relax, unwind and rejuvenate body and mind... Welcome to Whitefalls Spa Lodges




Whitefalls Spa Lodges £1,895 Per unit per week
Whitefalls Spa Lodges £1,895 Per unit per week

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.


Accommodation Special Offer

Long Stay Discount

Book 2 weeks or more and receive 10% off!

Book 2 weeks or more and receive 10% off weekly rate for second/subsequent week(s).  **Not valid in conjunction with any other offer.

Returning Guest Discount

Book Another Stay before you leave and save £100!

Book another Weekly stay before you leave and receive a £100 voucher off your next stay.                                                          **Not valid in conjunction with any other offer

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