Búsqueda de disponibilidad para Grey Gull Hotel

Grey Gull Hotel

Desde £60 per room per night

The Grey Gull Hotel was originally built in 1872 as a Hunting Lodge for the Poltalloch Estate. It sits in a prime location bordered by the historic Crinan Canal and Loch Gilp, close to where they both flow into Loch Fyne.


Ensuite Double Rooms £80 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Ensuite Family Room (5 Guests) £150 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Ensuite Family Rooms (3 Guests) £110 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Ensuite Single Rooms £60 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Ensuite Twin Rooms £80 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.

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