Recherche de disponibilité pour Swannay Brewery

Swannay Brewery

Drink Suppliers

Covid-19 update: Our Craft Beer Shop is open in a limited capacity to visitors, just order online as normal but choose 'collection' at checkout. We'll email you when your order is ready (usually no later than the next working day) and you can head over to pick it up Monday, Tuesday or Thursday 10am-2pm. A limited range of products will be available to purchace during your visit to the shop. Please follow the Covid-19 precautionary rules of one person/household in the shop at once (it's about all we have room for anyway) and please use sanitiser and wear a face covering. Unfortunately at the moment we can't offer tours, food, or drinks for consumption on the premises, but we are happy to answer any questions you might have about us and our


Parking handicapés ou drop-off
Accès au sol

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