Originally an architect, Anna cut her teeth at Jeremy Lee's _Quo Vadis _and _Rochelle Canteen,_ before setting up two award-winning establishments in Newcastle upon Tyne: Cook House and Long Friday. Cook House has won accolades from _Michelin, Observer, the Times, Guardian, the Good Food Guide_ and many more.
Her first book, _Recipes and Stories from Cook House_, was named one of the Top 10 Food Books of 2019 by _The Sunday Times._ Cook House was named Restaurant of the Year 2019 by the _Financial Times_ and has held a Michelin Plate since 2021.
She joins us for _Service_, Anna takes the reader through a day in her restaurant, the soothing rhythms of prep and mealtimes, and the ups and downs of service. It's an all-day operation, from breakfast through to dinner and post service, and the recipes reflect those times of day and the menus Anna creates.
ANNA HEDWORTH is the chef-proprietor of the award-winning restaurant Cook House as well as Long Friday, both in Newcastle upon Tyne. Her first book, _Recipes and Stories from Cook House_, was named one of the Top 10 Food Books of 2019 by _The Sunday Times._ Cook House was named Restaurant of the Year 2019 by the _Financial Times_ and has held a Michelin Plate since 2021.