This is a charity event involving a joint presentation by Alex Garty MVO & Pipe Major Derek Potter RVM. Both provide fascinating insights into their career paths which led them from Dundee to service within the Royal Household. On retirement from the Metropolitan Police, Alex was appointed the Transport Manager of the Royal Household. He was responsible for all matters relating to vehicles and transport including managing the logistics of transporting the Queen and other Royal Family members throughout the UK. He was awarded the MVO (Member of the Royal Victorian Order), for his transport services in Scotland on the demise of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II during which he had a leading role in moving the Queen’s coffin from Scotland to London. Derek joined The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys) in 1988 and completed 25 years military service being appointed Pipe Major of the Regiment in 2002. He served as The Sovereign’s (Queen’s) Piper between 2008 -2012 and during that time, he played at countless major public and private ceremonies - including numerous state banquets. Each morning whenever the Queen was in residence, Derek played outside Her Majesty’s apartments including those at Buckingham Palace, Windsor, the Palace of Holyrood house and Balmoral Castle. Derek also acted as an Honorary Page of the Presence at events such as audiences, garden parties, investitures, state functions and receptions. It was also his job to escort The Queen to the various audiences that she had throughout the day. All proceeds go to the restoration of St. Mary's RC Church, Lochee.