In “THE FAMILY MAGIC SHOW”, legendary magician the Great Baldini, and Baldwin the Magical Dog tell the story of their long partnership through a series of stage illusions, from their very first trick to the pinnacle of their careers – attempting Houdini’s greatest escape. The Great Baldini is a magical legend, a relict of the music halls and a theatrical performer of the old school. Known the world over as ‘The Emperor of Illusion’, ‘The Prince of Prestidigitation’, and ‘The Maharajah of Mystery’, he is a hugely entertaining stage magician. Baldwin, the magical dog, is his faithful companion. FAMILY MAGIC SHOW tells the story of their magical partnership, from their first trick to the height of their careers – attempting Houdini’s greatest and deadliest escape. The legendary magician the Great Baldini tells the story of his, and Baldwin the magical dog’s, life from their first tricks to the height of their careers – attempting Houdini’s greatest escape. The show is packed with magic, sweets, puppetry, sweets, water, sweets, eggs, sweets, and escapology. It’s hilariously silly…with builds to the ultimate challenge – before your very eyes attempting a spectacular, death-defying piece of escape. FAMILY MAGIC SHOW is a chance to see two magical superstars at the very pinnacle of their powers. A Joyously silly romp. Guaranteed to have children (and parents) screaming with laughter. The Great Baldini is an award-winning member of the Magic Circle and the Bristol Stage Magic Champion. “Incredible” Front Row, BBC Radio 4 “Wonderful, a joy” Pick of the Week, BBC Radio 4 “Charming, engaging, and charismatic. A pleasure.” FringeReview “A seasoned professional, excellent command of the stage.” Broadway Baby Running Time 60 - 70 mins Age Suitablity: 3+ Pay What You Can Ticketing Scale information. In order to make our events as accessible as possible, you can decide what to pay according to your means Please pay what you think you can reasonably afford, with reference to our sliding scale guide. Concessions: feel free to choose one of our lower price brackets (Tier 1 or Tier 2) if any of the following apply to you: 16-25 years old unemployed or underemployed single parent living solely on a state pension The below guidelines are just for reference; you won’t be asked for any proof Tier 1 I / we Frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them Are not employed or are underemployed Qualify for government and/or voluntary assistance Have no or very limited expendable income Tier 2 I / we May stress about meeting some basic needs but still regularly achieve them Are employed Have some expendable income Tier 3 Are comfortably able to meet all basic needs Have expendable income Tier 4 Are comfortably able to meet all basic needs Have expendable income and would like to support others in accessing the arts.