I am delighted to share information, tips, techniques, courses and programmes that will be helpful for your health and invite you to come on board. Whether you just want a tip or you have made the choice you would like to train with us to help family and friends or to do it professionally.
The tips I offer are easy to incorporate into every day life. The hardest bit about this is committing to the change and actually following through on this. And for this to happen I always recommend Baby Steps. Unless you are not working and can really give yourself the time and energy, baby steps will work better. So chose one tip and work with that and then come back and choose another one that resonates with you.
However, this is the moment in your life where you want to make a bigger change and come on board one of the classes then a Huge Well Done is yours from me and Welcome.
The techniques and courses I teach are reproducible dynamic and easy to learn. Some may take practice and learning about the body so yes, you will have to do some study. But would you really appreciate it if a certificate was handed to you and you felt you had done very little to earn it.
We all learn in different ways, as a teacher I aim to bring out the best of each of my students to encourage you in sharing your gifts with the other students and with the other people in your life. The techniques you learn will help you develop your confidence and belief in yourself and also enabling you to go out there and let the world know what you are doing.
I share the information in a variety of ways. Sharing by demonstration and observing you in work-shopping periods will probably always be my favourite way of teaching, however, technology is advancing and creating new, exciting and dynamic ways of getting information across. I am doing my best to learn as much as possible about this to also be able to share that way as well. This is definitely a learning curve for me and is getting me to expand my comfort zone.
Teaching for me is very much a learning process too which is just as well as I am a life-long learner. Learning starts in my head, once I get more confident, it moves to my heart and sits there for a while and then when competence and confidence starts entwining the flow happens and it comes through my hands. I hope this will happen for you too as I think it makes for the best kind of practitioner.
I so look forward to meeting you online and hopefully in person at one of the courses.