The trails starts and finishes outside the main entrance of Rozelle Park House. The trail is ideally designed for cycling but can also be completed by walking. If you are arriving by car, then there are a choice of free car parks within the park. If walking, it is suitable for prams but not wheel chairs. The trails takes you all around the parks and will also involve some cycling on quiet roads and cycle paths. Have a fun-filled time as you follow the clues, solve the riddles and complete the challenges!
Who Can Do the Trail?
It is suitable for a family (age 10+ children), couples, individuals or groups!
When Can You Do the Trail?
The trail can be done anytime but access is required to the walled garden in Belleisle Park which is open between 10-4 so adjust your start times accordingly. There ares cafe and toilets in Rozelle and Belleisle Parks and the trail also leads you past The Secret Garden cafe on the banks of the River Doon. The trail can be completed in about 3 hours (if cycling) and is approximately 6 miles long. The more stops you make, the longer it will take! Either whizz around as fast as you can or adopt a more leisurely approach!
Where to Get your Trail
Just visit the website by clicking on the link to pay and download online.
How Much?
£10.99 to download. You can then print it off yourself or use on a hand held device. However, the trail is not interactive and you will have to note your answers down elsewhere.
Want to Learn More?
We are constantly adding new trails to our 'library' so if you fancy doing another one while you are in Ayrshire, then visit our website: Treasure Trails of the Unexpected.