Ricerca disponibilità Apartrooms


Serviced Apartment
Da £70 per unit per night

A hybrid between an APARTment and a hotel ROOM, these are contemporary, comfortable, compact, self-catering, smart living spaces, designed for short or long stays. Perfect for business, corporate, airbnb or holiday stays.


Parcheggio o area di sosta senza barriere
Animali domestici
Accesso senza barriere


Apartroom 1 - Red £75 Per unit per night
Apartroom 10 - White £75 Per unit per night
Apartroom 2 - Turquoise £70 Per unit per night
Apartroom 3 - Silver - DDA £110 Per unit per night
Apartroom 4 - Blue £70 Per unit per night
Apartroom 5 - Orange £75 Per unit per night
Apartroom 6 - Yellow £75 Per unit per night
Apartroom 7 - Green £70 Per unit per night
Apartroom 8 - Grey £110 Per unit per night
Apartroom 9 - Purple £70 Per unit per night

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.

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