Beschikbaarheid zoeken voor The Helix: Home of The Kelpies

5 Visitor Attraction
iKnow Scotland
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The Helix: Home of The Kelpies


The Helix Park is The Home of The Kelpies - the largest equine sculptures in the world. The visitor centre at the Kelpies has a gift shop, café and more information on The Kelpies themselves. You can also take a tour from there with one of our guides who will tell you about the story of The Kelpies and even take you inside for an exclusive look at their engineering and ingenuity. The Helix has an adventure play park (with accessible equipment), splash play water fountains, parklands, woodlands, wetlands and boardwalks, a lagoon with a cosy coffee shop on its shore. See our accessibility statement on our web site for any access information you may require prior to visiting.


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Huisdier- vriendelijk
Rolstoel- toegankelijk

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