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Fantastic Creatures of Edinburgh
An outdoor folklore and mythology class for the curious! Our magical class will walk you through the Old Town streets identifying and learning all about the fantastic creatures that inhabit them.
You will need a team of 2-4, internet access on your phone, your eyes and legs! We will provide the class kit. The duration of the game may vary for each team. It usually takes under 2 hours. It covers a good portion of the historic Old Town and lots of folklore.
Max 4 people, bigger groups get in touch: consultant@edinburghtreasurehunts.co.uk. The game finishes near where it starts and its recommended that you allow 3 hours between the start of this game and your next scheduled activity.
Ab £10 pro Erwachsener
- Montag
- Dienstag
- Mittwoch
- Donnerstag
- Freitag
- Samstag
- Sonntag
März — Dezember
87/1 Montgomery street
United Kingdom
Tour information

Informationen zum Anbieter
Edinburgh Treasure Hunts
Edinburgh Treasure Hunts organises immersive experiences that guide visitors through the city following a storyline. Its up to the players to get the bottom of the story by solving riddles, spotting details and solving logic puzzles.
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