Golf Tours
Golf Tours
Discover with Real Scotland Tours some of the world’s oldest and best golf courses, all in this area. We have old championship courses, new championship courses, the finest links courses and indeed the highest golf course in the UK.
Regardless of your handicap we can accommodate you on a course to suit your ability so book with us for a planned golfing experience!
What will be seen/done during the tour:
The Golf Tours dictated by you, dependent on ability and golf course type required. Our area embraces every option you would require be it Links golf or Parkland courses and the degree of difficulty is varied.
Duration of tour:
Dictated by you, dependent on ability and golf course type required.
What is included in the tour:
The courses requested are generally within an hour drive from Aberdeen and most offer Club food and refreshments at extra cost. Most courses we have personal knowledge of and can therefore provide some guidance as to how they play.
Tour departure:
We uplift from your hotel, take you to your preferred course and return to take you home with maybe a bag full of birdies and a satisfied smile on your face. We are happy to run you to the course of your choice and return at a prescribed time for the trip home.
Preis auf Anfrage
- Montag
- Dienstag
- Mittwoch
- Donnerstag
- Freitag
- Samstag
- Sonntag
Januar — Dezember
Beech Rd
AB32 6WR
Tour information
1 Day
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