Highland cows
Greedy GOAT
This tour is made for greedy travellers who want to see a bit of everything. Join us on this trip if you would like to see many different castles and palaces, to see Scottish wildlife or to just wander around picturesque villages watching the time go
Do not forget that during the tour you are not led, you lead and the tour is yours! If you can’t look at another castle during the trip, want to skip one attraction to see another, want to stay in one place for longer it is completely up to you. On the day of your tour, we will provide a list of attractions along the way which sometimes are overlooked by travel books and tour guides. So you have a chance to see way more than usual. We are the only company which does it this way!
Preis auf Anfrage
- Montag
- Dienstag
- Mittwoch
- Donnerstag
- Freitag
- Samstag
- Sonntag
Januar — Dezember
7/8 Arthur Street
Tour information

Informationen zum Anbieter
MAD GOAT offbeat tours of scotland
MAD GOAT- Offbeat Tours of Scotland, is the answer for travelers who are inquisitive explorers. Our tours are private which means that you are in charge, but of course, we will advise you on the places that you can’t miss! The attractions that spark your interest and the pace in which you want the tour to go is completely in your hands. Our guides are a bit MAD, hence the name. MAD to go a bit further, MAD in the belief that there is always something new to discover and they will not leave any stone unturned to make sure you will have the best possible time in Scotland!
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