Kirkjuvagr Distillery
© Kirkwall Walking Tours
Kirkwall Orkney
The Pride, the Passion and the Spirit of Kirkwall Tour
This tour combines three of the jewels in the crown, of Orkney’s capital, founded by the Vikings,1000 years ago.
The pride of Kirkwall is its’ 12th century St Magnus Cathedral, the most northerly cathedral in the UK, where you will take a guided tour.
The Passion of Kirkwall, is it’s ‘Ba Game’, a traditional game of football, played in its’ streets on Christmas and New Years day, by two teams the ‘Uppies’ and the ‘Doonies’. You will follow the route of the Ba from the Market Cross, where the Ba or ball is thrown up, down to the Doonie goal at the harbour. On the way the finer points of the Ba will be explained to you, as your guide himself played the game for over thirty years.
Finally the Spirit of Kirkwall is the craft Gin named after it ‘Kirkjuvagr’, this being Kirkwall’s old Norse name, meaning “Church on the bay”. Here you will tour the company’s state of the art distillery and visitor centre on Kirkwall’s waterfront (admission included). If you're 18 you might even enjoy a dram of gin in the tasting room, while gazing out on Kirkwall Bay.
Ab £30 pro Erwachsener
- Montag
- Dienstag
- Mittwoch
- Donnerstag
- Freitag
- Samstag
- Sonntag
Januar — Dezember
Upper Breckquoy
KW17 2SD
Tour information
½ Day

Informationen zum Anbieter
Kirkwall Walking Tours
I offer Kirkwall Walking Tours along with tours of all archaeological sites on the Orkney Mainland, as a ‘step on guide’ in your own, or a third party vehicle. COVID 19 Tours are compliant with current regulations and you may be required to wear a mask at some sites. Please ask when booking.
Jan - Dec
7 days a week
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