
© Steven Gourlay


Shearwater Cruises, Ullapool

Our cruise takes you in and around the Summer Islands where seals, porpoise, dolphins, whales, white tailed eagles and a variety of seabirds may be seen.

The Summer Islands are an archipelago lying in the mouth of Loch Broom, Wester Ross. Our Cruise takes you in and around the Summer Islands where seals, porpoise, dolphins, whales, white tailed eagles and a variety of seabirds may be seen. Weather and tide permitting we visit Cathedral Cave on the south west of Tanera Beag. From there we navigate through some of the narrower channels before visiting the anchorage of Tanera Mhor, which is the largest and only inhabited island. We then make our way along the coastline of the Coigach peninsula heading back to Ullapool.

Desde £45 por adulto

Día de salida

  • Lunes
  • Martes
  • Miércoles
  • Jueves
  • Viernes
  • Sábado
  • Domingo

Mayo — Septiembre

Datos de contacto

Shearwater Cruises ( J & H MacKay)

Garve Road

Tour information


  • Ullapool




Desde £45 Por adulto £30 Por niño

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Precios pueden variar según la temporada

Shearwater Cruises ( J & H MacKay)

Información sobre la empresa

Shearwater Cruises ( J & H MacKay)

The Summer Islands are an archipeligo lying in the mouth of Loch Broom, Wester Ross. Our Cruise takes you in and around the Summer Isles where seals, porpoise, dolphins, whales, white tailed eagles and a variety of seabirds may be seen. Weather and tide permitting we visit Cathedral Cave on the south west of Tanera Beag. From there we navigate through some of the narrower channels before passing the anchorage of Tanera Mhor, which is the largest and only inhabited island and then along the Coigach peninsula heading back to Ullapool. Routes may be altered due to relevant sightings and weather.

Horario de apertura

Monday to Saturday
Sunday (high season)

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