
Bonfires of Modernity: Demonologists, Witches and Wizards of Edinburgh

We will learning about the origins of the Witch Hunt; the North Berwick trials that inspired Shakespeare to write Macbeth; King James, and his studies on demonology; and much more.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, Europe was plunged into persecution, hysteria, and superstition. Thousands of women were designated witches for transgressing the system they inhabited and executed under the charge of witchcraft. Many had knowledge of medicine, were skilled politicians, or knew how to manage their finances. Scotland was no exception, and on this tour, we will tell you how the process had an impact in Edinburgh, learning about the origins of the Witch Hunt; the North Berwick trials that inspired Shakespeare to write Macbeth; King James, and his studies on demonology; about some witches who brought characters from the Outlander series to life and much more.

We will go through alleys of the Royal Mile, also Calton Hill to learn about the symbolism of the bonfires and the role of the Presbyterian John Knox. At the same time, we will learn about some occultists and finish in the vicinity of the castle to learn about the end of a historical process that claimed thousands of innocent lives.

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Juni — November

Contact gegevens

Akelarre: the occult experience

18 Donore Road

Tour information




  • English
  • Spanish
Akelarre: the occult experience

Informatie over toermaatschappij

Akelarre: the occult experience

We are independent women who love to travel around the northern hemisphere telling esoteric stories. We invite you to discover our magical activities and itineraries to share a different way of traveling. Scotland is a country full of myths and legends that endure throughout history. This magical country has many things to teach us and for us as travelers to enjoy learning, ritualizing, discovering, and healing our ancestral wounds.


Wednesday to Sunday
Hours: 6:00 p.m.

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