MacKintosh by Subway & Tea with Miss Cranston - Private Glasgow Tours for the Inquiring Mind
TOUR 3 Discover Glasgow - with history, architecture, insight and, perhaps, tea. Specialist tours examining fascinating aspects of 'the best-preserved Victorian city centre in Europe'. Walk; learn; ride the subway; take tea!
A comprehensive tour, by the world's third-oldest subway (1896), of the buildings of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, ending with tea/coffee, scone, cream and jam at the 'Willow Tea Rooms', his design masterpiece for Miss Cranston (1903). Sites visited are: Daily Record building, Glasgow Herald building, Buchanan Street tea rooms, Ingram Street tea rooms (site of), Argyll Street tea rooms, Scotland Street school, Queen's Cross church, Mackintosh's own house (Hunterian museum), Lady Artists' club (external), Glasgow School of Art (post- fires), Willow tea rooms.
Duration approximately 5 hours. From £64.95 inclusive of transport, admissions, food & drink.
All tours are illustrated throughout with a wealth of photographs, many of Victorian Glasgow, as well as old drawings, bringing the past to life. .
1. Email: gswtours@gmail.com
2. Call +44, or 0 with a UK sim, 777 995 7922 or +44, or 0 within the UK, 141 321 8485
Please simply state tour choice, number in party, and preferred date.
Ab £64.95 pro Erwachsener
- Montag
- Dienstag
- Mittwoch
- Donnerstag
- Freitag
- Samstag
- Sonntag
Januar — Dezember
292 Mearns Road
Newton Mearns,
East Renfrewshire
United Kingdom.
G77 5LY
Tour information
Ab £64.95 Pro Erwachsener
Preise variieren je nach Saison
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